The Rusty Toque | Portfolios | Issue 4 | February 15, 2013
The photographic series “Break Spots” is a glimpse into the personal space of the Everyday. Shot with a clinical distance and devoid of human presence, the images of unmemorable, makeshift locations nevertheless offer up a kind of intimacy, suggesting what lies beyond the frame in people’s lives.
Working in photography, intermedia and installation, ARNOLD KOROSHEGYI is an award-winning artist who has exhibited across Canada and the United States. Recent shows include Collision 17: Transformer at the Axiom Center for New and Experimental Media in Boston (2012); Unfinished Projects at the Foundry Art Center in St-Louis (2012); Exposed at the Gladstone Hotel, Toronto as part of the CONTACT Photography Festival (2012); Sorting Daemons at the Art Gallery of Mississauga (2011) as well as at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre in Kingston (2010). From 2007 through 2009, Koroshegyi exhibited work both in group and solo shows including Artifice at Gallery 1101, University of Southern Illinois in Carbondale; Four Feet: the Proxemics of Personal Space at Gallery RFD in Swainsboro, Georgia and Awashawave at the Blackwood Gallery at the University of Toronto Mississauga in 2009. Arnold Koroshegyi currently resides in Toronto and teaches in the Art and Art History Program in the Department of Visual Studies at Sheridan College and the University of Toronto at Mississauga.