The Rusty Toque | Issue 8 | Comics | June 30, 2015
from Safari Honeymoon, Koyama Press, 2014
from By This Shall You Know Him, Koyama Press, 2012
JESSE JACOBS works as an artist from his home in London, Ontario, Canada. His major books include Safari Honeymoon (Koyama Press, 2014), By This Shall You Know Him (Koyama Press, 2012) and Even the Giants (AdHouse Books, 2011). His work has been translated into German, French, and Spanish. His comics and drawings have appeared in Le Monde diplomatique, National Post, The Walrus, and Canadian Notes and Queries. He has exhibited work throughout Canada, Japan, the United States, Europe, and Russia. Some of his work can be viewed at and His books are available at