The Rusty Toque | Issue 11 | Poetry | November 30, 2016
Description The ChessBard is an app co-created by Aaron Tucker and Jody Miller. the ChessBard inputs the algebraic notation for a chess game in .PGN format (digital file format for archived chess games) and the Chessbard outputs a poem. The poems are based on 12 source poems Aaron wrote, 6 poems for the white pieces, 6 poems for the black pieces: there is a 64 word poem for each colour’s pawns, knights, rooks, bishop, queen and king. When a piece lands on a square it triggers a word from the source poems and the translator compiles them together and outputs a poem. A text version of the ChessBard, titled irresponsible mediums, will be published by Bookthug in Fall of 2017. The text will collect Marcel Duchamp’s chess games and translate them into poems; the collection will also include an introduction from two time U.S. Women’s Chess Champion Jennifer Shahade. DEEP THOUGHT VS COMPX COMPUTER – ORLANDO, 1988
AARON TUCKER'S first book of poetry punchlines was released by Mansfield Press in Spring of 2015. As well, he is the co-creator of the ChessBard, an app that translates chess games into poems that can be found at chesspoetry.com; a text version of the app, irresponsible mediums, translates all of Marcel Duchamp chess games into poems and is forthcoming from Bookthug in 2017. His current project, Loss Sets, translates poems into 3D models which are then printed with a 3D printer. His collection of essays Interfacing with the Internet in Popular Cinema was published in 2014; his forthcoming The Weaponized Internet in Popular Cinema is forthcoming from Palgrave Macmillan in 2017. In addition, he is a professor in the English department at Ryerson University where he is currently teaching essay writing and digital literacy to first year students.