The Rusty Toque | Issue 13 | Poetry | November 30, 2017
[When the Gardens were] The GardensAllen Gardens. 4AM. Positively cherubic boy stands near the front fountains (I thought she was
the fountain) wants me to pee in his pampers. Who am I to deny such a simple ask? She writhes, giggles, squeals. Omg girl so glad this is working for you. Such joy! After, she implores me to send more her way. I cross the path to where a dozen or so, pants bunched at their ankles, jack, suck, blow, watch one ploughed so hard, the fucker’s ass backs into the plate glass of the greenhouse—B A N G—an entire sheet crashes you’ve never seen so many queens pull up their shorts so fast skedaddle the hell out of there. 4:31. A youth lays across a park bench lit by lamppost in what turns out to be just the lining cut out of a speedo brimming with cock. UBL* I invite him back to my place. He wants me to do him there. This bench. This lamppost. His scene. His setting. I pull out my poppers lose my entire face, his bulge, my all. Boy pulls me off each time he gets close, loves to focus, edge til dawn. *Ultimate Bulge Lover Adonisincandescent light radiates from his torso, and in the curve of his loins, a smile turns - Rilke No one will find me my regular table back of the library hidden alone with The Village Voice scour each new issue weekly to see if anything has changed any new personal beginning with GWM Pictured, a single line drawing suggests a male torso etched in every fantasy I’ve had since puberty ALL MALE HOT Adonis 8th Av These Bases Are Loaded Centurions of Rome Kansas City Trucking Co. “seventh explosive week!!!” I’m sixteen going on seventeen at Rogers High School Toledo Ohio “Home of the Rams.” Our senior trip? New York City. $49 total. Bus. Room. Meals. Show. The Adonis. I grow a beard board the bus. Saturday I break from my peers on my own in Times Sq. head towards Al Parker. “Want to buy this?” I stare at the multi- Colored glass tube. “What’s it for?” “To get a bigger hit, man.” He called me man. A good sign. Then I see it The lit marquee XXX CONTINUOUS ALL MALE ADULTS ONLY pace back forth beneath nearly two hours afraid to go in afraid they won’t let me plunge plunk down six bucks she hands me a ticket a pair of glasses — Yes. It was the first and only gay male porn film shot in 3D J Brian’s RAW COUNTRY inside eyes adjust two grand staircases a rotunda of faces rush the main floor duo-colored glasses in hand find my place. Two men on a swing a raging cock sways overhead I’m here. I made it. I am at the Adonis. |
JEFF KIRBY’S newest is She’s Having a Doris Day (Knife From Book, 2017). Earlier chapbooks include Simple Enough, Cock & Soul, Bob’s boy, and The world is fucked and sometimes beautiful. There work appears in numerous anthologies beginning with the letter Q, and most recently online at Matrix Magazine and bandcamp/jeffkirby. Kirby is the owner/publisher of knife | fork | book.